Thursday, May 6, 2021

FullStack Java Developer available. She is open to relocate. Visa H1B.

FullStack Java Developer available. She is open to relocate. Visa H1B.

Name : Sri Lekha
Open to relocate
Visa : H1B

      Full Stack Developer around 6 years of industrial and functional experience in developing enterprise level applications that provide rich user experience with solid understanding of Java J2EESpring, Hibernate application framework and web technologies like Angular 2X/4X, React Js, Java script
      Experience in all phases of Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) which includes Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation and Testing of web based, enterprise business applications using the JAVA/J2EEtechnologies
      Good knowledge on client-side JavaScript framework Angular 2.x/4.x with NGRX to achieve MVVM design flow
      Expertise in UI Design and Development using HTML5, CSS3 (SASS, LESS), Bootstrap and AJAX that follows W3C Web standards and successfully managing all facets of application development
      Experience in deploying and maintaining Micro Services based applications as Rest API using Spring Boot and Spring Cloud
      Worked on JAVA 8 features like Stream API, Time API, Functional Interfaces Multithreading, Transaction Management, Exception Handling, Collection API
      Worked with various frameworks in Spring such as Spring IOC, AOP, Spring transaction Management, Spring Data, Spring JDBC, Spring Batch, Spring JTA, Spring IO and Spring Security (Spring security, Site Minder)
      Have good knowledge on XML language like XSD, JAXB, JAXP, XSL/XSLT
      Experience in the handling message queues using JMS, Rabbit-MQ, Apache Kafka and Active-MQ
      Testing for Node JS is done using Mocha and Chai and for spring boot used Mockito, Junit, mock MVC to achieve the goals of Test-Driven Development (TDD)
      Extensively worked on Web API, WCF and Web Services to provide SOA architecture and Configuration based activation applications on SOAP and REST protocols
      Experienced in configuring and deploying applications on different servers such as Apache Tomcat, Web logic, IBM WebSphere, JBoss
      Building real-time dashboard applications for visualizing, analyzing and exploring data on Apache Web servers using Elastic Search and Splunk
      Experience in writing services to store and retrieve user data from NoSQL database like MongoDB
      Expertise to interact with relational databases using ORM frameworks like Hibernate, Spring Data, JPA, IBatis, MyBatis, Java Persistence API (JPA), Hibernate’s second level cache - Ehcache
      Well experienced in using various AWS (Amazon Web Services) Iaas (Infrastructure as a Service) Components like EC2 for running applications on virtual machines, S3 and Glacier for storing and long term back up of data, EBS for persistent block level storage, Elastic Cache, Dynamo DB, SQS for message queueing, RDS for setting relational database in cloud and Lambda for server less program functions
      Integration of Docker Containers by using Kubernetes for maintaining high availability of application
      Involved in CI/CD process using GIT, Jenkins job creation, Maven to build the application. Used CI/CD tools to quickly deploy into different environments and configuring the Kubernetes cluster into for the automating the deploying process
Programming Languages
Java, C, C++, PL/SQL
Enterprise Java
 JDBC, Servlets, JSP, JSF, Spring MVC, JPA, Hibernate
Data Bases / Frameworks
DB2, SQL Server 2008, MYSQL, MongoDB, Cassandra
Web Technologies / Web Services
HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, Angular JS, Node JS, React JS, SOAP, RESTful
Tools / Version Control
IntelliJ, Eclipse, VSCode, STS, Web Storm, PyCharm, SOAP UI, Tortoise SVN, Git
Build & Configuration Tools
Ant, Maven, Gradle, Jenkins, Bamboo Gulp, Grunt, Webpack, NPM, Bower
Testing Tools
Junit, TestNG, Mockito, Jasmine, Karma, Mocha, Chai, Spock, Protractor
Cloud Technologies & DevOps Tools
AWS, PCF, EC2, EBS, S3, Docker, ECS, EBS, EKS, SQS, RDS, S3, Lambda, Kubernetes
Operating System
Windows, Linux, Unix, MAC, MS-DOS
Project Management Tools
JIRA, Rally, Microsoft Project
Client: Intuit, Woodland Hills, CA                                                                 Oct 18 –Present.
Role: Full Stack Developer
      Implemented requirements from agile management ideas by facilitating exercises through sprint planning and team standups
      Developed Web based application using the ReactJS which supports MVC functionality for a responsive web page
      Implemented various screens for the front end using React JS, Material UI and used various predefined components from NPM (Node Package Manager) and redux library.
      Used Node Package Manager (NPM) for managing the dependency conflicts and also to install, discover the node programs.
      Achieved asynchronous and event-driven model using Node.js for data-intensive applications.
      Developing Spring Framework-based Applications on Spring MVC and Spring Template and using Spring Boot for Auto Configuration
      Involved in writing Spring Configuration XML, file that contains declarations and business classes are wired-up to the frontend managed beans using Spring IOC pattern.
      Maven for compilation and building application to JAR, WAR, EAR files deploying them into Tomcat, Mule Servers
      Log4J implementation for the user events and Swagger API for the Specification and development of the Rest API
      Focused on Test Driven Development (TDD) thereby creating detailed JUnit tests for every single piece of functionality before writing the functionality
      Intensive testing strategies using SOAP UI Pro version for testing the Web Services
      Used Docker for Containerization and deploying the application to AWS instance leveraging the CI/CD automated deployment pipelines integrated to Jenkins
      Integrated Apache Kafka to the application for a message broker for pub-sub mechanism
      Integrated the Sonar lint (SonarQube) and Jacoco for code quality, Code coverage and to maintain the code standards
      Followed Agile/XP principles - Test-Driven Development (TDD) thereby creating detailed JUnit tests for every single unit of functionality
      Used Cassandra DB for the database to load the application data and writing PL/SQL procedures, complex queries to perform various data operations
      Implemented GraphQL for server-side runtime for executing queries by using a type system that is defined.
      Interacting with the performance team to track the application performance using the Splunk
Environment: Agile Methodology, CSS 3, jQuery, AJAX, JavaScript, JSON, HTML 5, React JS, Spring Boot, Karma, Scrum, Apache Spark, Jasmine, Hibernate Framework, Jenkins, Cosmos Db, Jacoco, Cucumber, Selenium, Apache Kafka, Cloudera.
Client: Ford Motor Company, Detroit, MI                                              Oct 2017 – Sept 2018
Role: Sr. Java Developer
      Implemented Agile development practices according to the application requirements
      Involved in requirements gathering, Problem Analysis, Design, Development, Testing and Maintenance of the System
      Designed and developed Microservices oriented Architecture and created interactive webpages using HTML5, CSS3 - sass, TypeScript, Twitter Bootstrap
      Filtering and navigating data are done using Angular4.0Components, Router, Directives, Providers
      Implemented Server-side rendering for spitting the same HTML content in virtual DOM to server which is a part of Angular 4.0 framework
      Developed functional interfaces, lambda expression of Java 8 to have better performance
      Implemented Dependency Injection using Spring IOC which makes application loosely coupled and for easier test performance
      Engaged DAO modules for communication between persistence system or Services
      Rest Services for Configuring Spring Boot with OpenID connect on top of OAuth 2.0
      Implemented Microservices for decomposing the application into different services to improve modularity
      Implemented Java Messaging Service like Apache Kafka for fast and secure sending of the messages
      Implementation of RESTful web services using Jersey for JAX-RS and tested using Junit along with Mockito
      Involved Kubernetes for automated deployments, scaling and management of containerized applications across clusters of hosts
      Interacted with the data warehousing team regarding extracting the data and suggest the standard data format such that Dynatrace will identify most of the fields
      Developed ORM NoSQL database like MongoDB for storing JSON like documents which vary with the structure and used Mongoose connector ODM framework to connect with REST services
      Worked on ETL tool for extracting, transforming, loading used to blend data from multiple sources.
      Performed end-to-end test framework for Angular application using Protractor
      Deployment of the application using CI/CD pipeline using the Pivotal resource Concourse only in development phase of the Application
Environment: HTML5, CSS3(sass), TypeScript, Twitter Bootstrap, Angular 4.0, ReactJs, Java8, Spring IOC, DAO, Spring Boot, Apache Kafka, Swagger, Archaius, RESTful, Jersey, Mockito, Kubernetes, Splunk, AWS, MongoDB, Mongoose connector, Oracle 12g., JUnit, Protractor, Concourse, Docker, ETL.
Client: FedEx, Memphis, TN                                                                   Nov 2016 – Sept 2017
Role: Sr. Java Developer
      Developed Single Based Web Application using SOA architecture
      Developed HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, jQuery for user interactions in pages. Creating a responsive web application integrating Bootstrap with Angular JS and media queries
      Brief experience on implementing the AngularJS in creating single paged web application based on CSS classes for a new requirement surfaced for the client
      Implemented ORM modules like hibernate framework for data persistence which accrued via JDBC servers
      Implemented Spring AOP for providing proxies these makes the interfaces to be proxied
      Concentrated on Business logic instead of Cross-cutting concerns using Spring AOP
      Involved Data Access Objects for mapping the application calls to persistence layer
      Developed Repository for storing, retrieving and modifying ACLs in database using Spring Security and JWT provides authentication for the received information
      Java Transaction API for coordinating the tractions across multiple resources like databases and message queues
      Implemented REST services for Reusing the components that managed and updating it without effecting the whole system
      Implemented JBoss tool to support Hibernate frameworks
      Allocated AWS Security Groups which acted as virtual firewalls that controlled the traffic allowed to reach one or more AWS EC2 instances
      Implemented NoSQL database Couch DB in query, mapping, combining, and filtering the data
      Experience in Normalization and performance tuning with Oracle DB. Uploaded files into Oracle database using CLOB and BLOB
      Involved in writing and executing stored procedures, functions and triggers for Oracle to create a Database Management System
      Implemented Java Multithreading to process multiple activities at same time and Collections for sorting, searching the data in the specific Algorithms
      Implementation of Java synchronous messaging services like message broker Rabbit MQ for delivering multiple messages
      Implemented Business Logic Integration tool like Drools for Authoring and Runtime.
      Apache Tomcat as the application server for the deployment of the code on windows and Linux environments
      Developed projects with RESTful services (JAX-RS, Spring Boot), SOAP (JAX-WS, Apache CXF, WSDL, Apache Axis2) and automated the documentation using Swagger and WADL
      Implementation of continuous integration (CI) and continuous deployment (CD)using Jenkins
      Implemented loggers, appenders, layouts using Log4j
      Developed test scripts in Selenium Web Driver using Java Language. Developed unit testing using JUnit
Environment: SOA architecture, Angular.js, HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, jQuery, Bootstrap, Spring AOP, Data Access Objects, Spring Security, JWT, Java Transaction API, REST services, JBoss, Hibernate frameworks, AWS Security Groups, AWS EC2,Oracle DB, Java Multi-threading, Collections, Rabbit MQ, Drools, Apache Tomcat, RESTful, Log4j, Selenium, Junit
Client: 3i Infotech, Bangalore, India                                                        May 2015 – Oct 2016
Role: Java/J2EE Developer
      Involved in various SDLC phases like Requirement gathering, Design, Analysis and    Code development
      Developed GUI using JavaScript, HTML/HTML5, DOM, XHTML, AJAX, CSS3.
      Built Web pages that are more user-interactive using jQuery plugins for Drag and Drop, AutoComplete, AJAX, JSON, and JavaScript, Bootstrap
      Developed application service components and configured beans using Spring IoC, creation of Hibernate mapping files and generation of database schema
      Implemented MVC-Model 2 architecture using Struts, JSF and other J2EE design patterns for the application development
      Designed the Bluestone application by implementing JSF Framework using Rich Faces Library
      Involved in writing Spring Configuration XML, file that contains declarations and business classes are wired-up to the frontend managed beans using Spring IOC pattern
      Spring AOP is used for logging, auditing, transaction management to distinguish business logic from the cross-cutting concerns
      Implemented Spring Security for implementing the authentication, authorization, and access-control features
      Implementation of Spring JMS to post and consume the messages from the IBM MQ Server
      Worked on IBM WebSphere for performing the role of a web application server and as a middleware for hosting Java-based web application.
      Worked on writing Perl scripts covering data feed handling, implementing business logic,
     communicating with web-services through Soap Lite module and WSDL
      Created views using components of JSF Prime Faces in XHTML files and configured      JSF framework
      Involved in creating, modifying and updating database tables in DB2 using the tools like DB Visualizer
      Worked on Oracle 10g for applications containing Annotated EJB3.0 entities relating to JPA
      Implementation version control repository SVN (Subversion by apache) and JIRA for issue tracking
      Focused on Test Driven Development (TDD) thereby creating detailed JUnit tests for every single piece of functionality before actually writing the functionality
      Compiled and built the application using Maven scripts for deployment
Environment: SDLC, JavaScript, HTML/HTML5, DOM, XHTML, AJAX, jQuery, CSS3, AJAX, JSON, Spring IoC, Struts, JSF, Spring AOP, Spring Security, Spring JMS, IBM MQ Server, SOAP UI, Soap Lite, WSDL, Prime Faces, DB Visualizer, SVN, JIRA, JUnit, Maven.
Bachelor Of Technology – Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Hyderabad
Master’s Degree - Central Michigan University,Michigan

Nikhil Ramagiri | Team Lead - Sales
W 732.753.0045 | M 315.740.4716 |
666 Plainsboro Rd, Suite #1116, Plainsboro, New Jersey 08536