Tuesday, May 17, 2022

Certified Kubernetes Devops Engineer available. Visa : H1B

Hope you are doing good.
I have good experienced consultant on Devops Kubernetes Engineer / Linux Administration. Please find below details and let me know if you have any contract positions for her.
Name : Nikhita
Skill : Devops Kubernetes Engineer/ Linux Administration 
Last Client and Location : Verizon
Visa : H1B
Rate : $85/hr
Looking remote for now.
Certifications: -
Certified Kubernetes Administrator (CKA )  
Certificate ID number : - LF-lgk6czkgls

Nikhil Ramagiri | Team Lead - Sales
W 732.753.0045 | nikhil@techsmartglobal.com
666 Plainsboro Rd, Suite #1116, Plainsboro, New Jersey 08536