Wednesday, July 20, 2022

Full Stack Java Developers available for C2C roles.

Full Stack Java Developers available for C2C roles.
Please check below Attached 2 Profiles for Full Stack Java Developers
Name : Divya
Skill : Full Stack Java Developer
Visa: H4 EAD
looking for Remote roles.
·      Overall 7+ years of full stack development experience in all phases of Software  development                  Life Cycle (SDLC) which includes Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation and Testing Of web based, enterprise business applications using JAVA/J2EE technologies.
·      Exposure on all phases of Software Engineering (SDLC), Project management (Waterfall &Agile/Scrum Methodology) including Requirement gathering, Analysis, User interaction, Project scope, Design, Coding, Testing, Web server installation, Deployment, Implementation and Documentation.
·      Experience in designing and developing front-end UI using HTML5, XHTML, PHP, DHTML, CSS3, JavaScript, Typescript, jQuery, AngularJS, Bootstrap JS.
·      Experience with client-side JavaScript framework Angular 2/6/8, NGRX.
·      Experience with server-side scripting using Node.js
·      Experience with UI testing libraries like Karma, Jasmine, Protractor and Mocha.
·      Experienced in developing web-based applications using Java/J2EE, JSP, Servlets, Spring IOC, Spring MVC, Spring JTA, Spring IO, Spring AOP, Spring Security, Spring Boot, Spring Data, Spring Batch, Hibernate, JDBC and Web Services (SOAP & Restful services).
·      Experience in developing and deploying Microservices using Spring Boot and Spring Cloud.
·      Experience with deployment using Docker containers, building Docker images, using Docker Hub and Docker-registries and Kubernetes.
·      String knowledge on Concurrency, Multi-threading, Synchronization, Exception Handling, File Handling, Serialization, De-Serialization.
·      Experience with Java 8 features like Lambda Expressions, Streams API, Date Time API, Default and Static methods in Interfaces.
·      Experience with Hibernate ORM and developed SQL queries for data access
·      Expertise in developing applications using SOA (Service Oriented Architectures) and Microservice architectures.
·      Developed SOAP and Restful services using Restful (JAX-RS), SOAP (JAX_WS), JAX-RPC, JAXR (Java API for XML Registries), Apache CXF, Jersey, Apache Axis.
·      Experience with SQL and PL/SQL to query various Relational Database Management Systems including Oracle, MS SQL, MySQL, DB2 and PostgreSQL.
·      Experience in working with NoSQL databases Apache Cassandra.
·      Experience integrating micro services with distributed messaging systems like Apache Kafka.
·      Experience with unit testing libraries such as Junit and Mockito.
·      Experience in integration testing tools like Cucumber (Behavior Driven Development testing)
·      Experience in creating build scripts using Ant, Maven and Gradle tools and scripting Docker files and deploying onto Docker containers.
·      Experience with OpenShift platform in managing Docker containers and Kubernetes Clusters.
·      Experience in configuring and deploying Web Applications using JBoss, Apache Tomcat.
·      Experience with logging libraries like Apache Log4j and performance tools like Apache JMeter.
·      Experience with Jira, version one, Agile central for issue-tracking.
·      Very good experience in using version control (Git, SVN).
·      Extensive development experience on different IDE's like Eclipse, Visual Studio, IntelliJ
Education Details:
·      Bachelor’s from JNTUH in Electronics and Computer science in 2015
Java 8, Java/J2EE, JDBC, Shell Scripts, HTML, JavaScript, SQL and PL/SQL
Web Technologies
HTML/HTML5, DHTML, XML, CSS, Bootstrap, JSF, JavaScript, SERVLETS 3.1, JSP 3.0, JavaBeans 3.0, Java Servlets API 3.0, AJAX
Spring 4.3 Hibernate 4.3, Angular 6/8, Struts 2.x/1.x, Log4J
Application/Web servers
Apache Tomcat 8, IBM WebSphere 8.x/9.x, Jetty, Jenkins 2.50, JBoss, Tomcat 5.0/6.0/7.0, Glassfish, WildFly
Relational Databases
Oracle 8i/9i/10g/11g, SQL server 2012/2014/2016, MySQL 5.7, DB2 11.1
NoSQL Databases
MongoDB, Cassandra
Web Services
Cloud Environments
Azure, AWS, Netflix Eureka, Mesos.
AWS Skills
EC2, Simply Storage Service, Cloud Front, Relational Data Base, Virtual Private Cloud, Route 53, Cloud Watch, Cloud Trial, Identity and Access Management, Simple Notification Service, AWS EMR, AWS CLI.
Operating systems
Windows, MS-DOS, UNIX, Mac OS, Linux and Ubuntu
Testing Tools
Junit 4.12, Jenkins, JIRA 7.0., Bugzilla 4.4.12, Jasper Reports 6.0
Agile, waterfall, TDD (Test-Driven-Development), Scrum, SDLC
Developer IDE Platforms
Eclipse, Edit plus, Notepad ++, TEXT PAD, JBuilder, Net Beans 8.0.2, Intellij 2017.1, Spring Tool Suite (STS) 3.8.3, GITHUB 2.12.0
Build Tools
Ant 1.10, Maven 3.3.9, Gradle 3.4.1
Case Tools
Rational Rose, UML, OOAD, RUP
Professional Summary:
Georgia Dept. of Public Health, Atlanta, GA                                                                 Jan 2021 – Present
Java Full stack Developer
·      Used AGILE methodology and actively participated in Scrum meetings to produce quality deliverables within time.
·      Created Class Diagrams, Sequence Diagrams and Activity Diagrams to describe the relationship that exists among system's object in accordance with the business requirements.
·      Developed UI pages using HTML5, Angular 4/5, Bootstrap, CSS3, JavaScript, jQuery, AJAX and NodeJs.
·      Developed asynchronous services call in Angular JS with Type Script and transacted data in JSON format between back-end and front-end applications
·      Used Angular 4 features- data binding, routing, custom filters, custom directives.
·      Used the http services in Angular 4 to make API calls and exchange data in JSON.
·      Involved in developing role based Angular navigational menu, where menu items change dynamically based on the values derived from database in the form of JSON data.
·      Automated Angular JS application module using protractor and Jasmine and created specs for various functional scenarios.
·      Used Node.js to build Rest services.
·      Designed and developed XSLT transformation components to convert data from XML to HTML.
·      Used XML DOM API for parsing XML.
·      Used SOAP protocol, JAX-WS and Apache CXF in development of web services.
·      Used Hibernate Template in data access layer to access and update information in the database.
·      Developed Web services to allow communication between applications through REST.
·      Involved in system design and Core java 8 development using Collections Framework, Exception Handling, I/O System, Multi-Threading, Lambdas, Streams, Parallel Streams, Functional Interfaces, and JDBC.
·      Extensively used Spring IOC, configured Application Context files and performed database object mapping using Hibernate annotations.
·      Spring AOP was used for intercepting the SOAP requests and for logging requests and also for transaction management.
·      Developed microservices with SpringBoot services interacting through a combination of REST and Apache Kafka message brokers.
·      Deployed SpringBoot based MicroServices, Docker container using Amazon EC2 container services and using AWS admin console.
·      Wrote test cases on JIRA and built test scripts for automating various end-end RESTAPIs.
·      Integrated Automation scripts (Selenium Web Driver API) on Continuous Integration tools Jenkins for nightly batch run of the Script. Created Project plan on Jenkins, configured scheduled using Cron job.
·      Used HazelCast cluster as distributed cache.
·      Worked on performance tuning of Cassandra cluster.
·      Installed and configured Docker for creating virtual environments.
·      Applied the company build pipeline using Jenkins, AWS and Docker.
·      Created Stored procedures using PL/SQL for data modification (Using DML insert, update, delete) in Oracle.
·      Used Maven to build the application and deploy it on to the server.
·      Maintained version control of the Java files with SVN and GIT.
·      Used Log4j for logging various levels of information like error, info, and debug into the log files.
·      Wrote unit testing codes using JUnit, resolved bugs and other defects using Firebug, JIRA and Eclipse's debugging tool.
·      Involved in Unit integration, bug fixing, acceptance testing with test cases, Code reviews.
Environment: Core Java (Java 8), HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, jQuery, XML, Angular 5/6, Bootstrap, Node JS, Hazel CAST, Swagger, Spring Core, IOC, MVC, DAO, Struts, Hibernate, Cassandra, SOAP web service, RESTful web services, Maven, WebSphere, JUnit, JIRA, SVN, GIT.
Genesis Financial Solutions, Beaverton, OR                                                March 2018 – Nov 2020
Java Fullstack Developer
·      Implemented Agile development practices according to the application requirements
·      Involved in requirements gathering, Problem Analysis, Design, Development, Testing and Maintenance of the System
·      Designed and developed Microservices oriented Architecture and created interactive webpages using HTML5, CSS3 - sass, TypeScript, Twitter Bootstrap
·      Filtering and navigating data are done using Angular4.0Components, Router, Directives, Providers
·      Implemented Server-side rendering for spitting the same HTML content in virtual DOM to server which is a part of Angular 4.0 framework
·      Extensively used Java 8 stream API to work for huge collections
·      Developed functional interfaces, lambda expression of Java 8 to have better performance
·      Implemented Dependency Injection using Spring IOC which makes application loosely coupled and for easier test performance
·      Engaged DAO modules for communication between persistence system or Services
·      Rest Services for Configuring Spring Boot with OpenID connect on top of OAuth 2.0
·      Implemented Microservices for decomposing the application into different services to improve modularity
·      Implemented Java Messaging Service like Apache Kafka for fast and secure sending of the messages
·      Implementation of RESTful web services using Jersey for JAX-RS and tested using Junit along with Mockito
·      Involved Kubernetes for automated deployments, scaling and management of containerized applications across clusters of hosts
·      Interacted with the data warehousing team regarding extracting the data and suggest the standard data format such that Dynatrace will identify most of the fields
·      Developed ORM NoSQL database like MongoDB for storing JSON like documents which vary with the structure and used Mongoose connector ODM framework to connect with REST services
·      Deployment of the application using CI/CD pipeline using the Pivotal resource Concourse only in development phase of the Application
Environment: HTML5, CSS3(sass), TypeScript, Twitter Bootstrap, Angular 4.0, ReactJs, Java8, Spring IOC, DAO, Spring Boot, Apache Kafka, Swagger, Archaius, RESTful, Jersey, Mockito, Kubernetes, Splunk, AWS, MongoDB, Mongoose connector, Oracle 12g., JUnit, Protractor, Concourse, Docker
Client: PCAOB, Washington, DC                                                                                   Jan 2017 – Feb 2018
Role: Sr.JAVA/J2EE Developer   
·      Involved in the design and development phases of Agile Software Development. 
·      Analyzed current Mainframe system and designed new GUI screens. 
·      Implemented printable chart report using HTML, CSS, jQuery and JavaScript for client-side validation.
·      Worked on UNIX to move the project into production environment.
·      Created Managed Beans for handling JSF pages and include logic for processing of the data on the page. 
·      Used Object/Relational mapping tool Hibernate to achieve object to database table persistency.
·      Worked with Core Java to develop automated solutions to include web interfaces using HTML, CSS, JavaScript and Web services. 
·      Developed web GUI involving HTML, Java Script under MVC architecture. 
·      Creation of WebLogic domains and setup Admin & Managed servers for JAVA/J2EE applications on Non-Production and Production environments. 
·      Involved in the configuration of Spring Framework and Hibernate mapping tool. 
·      Developed the application using 3 Tier Architecture i.e. Presentation, Business and Data Integration layers in accordance with the customer/client standards. 
·      Used FileNet for Content Management and for streamlining Business Processes. 
·      Created Responsive Layouts for multiple devices and platforms using foundation framework.
·       Monitoring WebLogic/JBoss Server health and security. 
·       Creation of Connection Pools, Data Sources in WebLogic console.
·      Implemented Hibernate for Database Transactions on DB2. 
·      Involved in configuring hibernate to access database and retrieve data from the database.
·      Written Web Services (JAX-WS) for external system via SOAP/HTTP call. 
·      Used Log4j framework to log/track application. 
·       Involved in developing SQL queries, stored procedures, and functions. 
·      Creating and updating existing build scripts using ANT for deployment Tested and Used Rational Clear Case for Version Control. 
Environment: FileNet, IBM RAD 6.0, Java 1.7, Core Java, Spring, Swing, Hibernate, JSF, ICE Faces, Hibernate, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, UNIX, Web Services- SOAP, WAS 6.1, XML, IBM WebSphere 6.1, Rational Clear Case, Log 4j, IBM DB2
3i Infotech, India                                                                                                             May 2015 – Dec 2016
Role: Java/J2EE Developer
·      Involved in various SDLC phases like Requirement gathering, Design, Analysis and    Code development.
·      Developed GUI using JavaScript, HTML/HTML5, DOM, XHTML, AJAX, CSS3.
·      Built Web pages that are more user-interactive using jQuery plugins for Drag and Drop, AutoComplete, AJAX, JSON, and JavaScript, Bootstrap.
·      Developed application service components and configured beans using Spring IoC, creation of Hibernate mapping files and generation of database schema.
·      Implemented MVC-Model 2 architecture using Struts, JSF and other J2EE design patterns for the application development.
·      Designed the Bluestone application by implementing JSF Framework using Rich Faces Library
·      Involved in writing Spring Configuration XML, file that contains declarations and business classes are wired-up to the frontend managed beans using Spring IOC pattern
·      Spring AOP is used for logging, auditing, transaction management to distinguish business logic from the cross-cutting concerns.
·      Implementation of Spring JMS to post and consume the messages from the IBM MQ Server
·      communicating with web-services through Soap Lite module and WSDL
·      Created views using components of JSF Prime Faces in XHTML files and configured      JSF framework.
·      Involved in creating, modifying and updating database tables in DB2 using the tools like DB Visualizer.
·      Worked on Oracle 10g for applications containing Annotated EJB3.0 entities relating to JPA.
·      Implementation version control repository SVN (Subversion by apache) and JIRA for issue tracking.
·      Focused on Test Driven Development (TDD) thereby creating detailed JUnit tests for every single piece of functionality before actually writing the functionality.
·      Compiled and built the application using Maven scripts for deployment.
Environment: SDLC, JavaScript, HTML/HTML5, DOM, XHTML, AJAX, jQuery, CSS3, AJAX, JSON, Spring IoC, Struts, JSF, Spring AOP, Spring Security, Spring JMS, IBM MQ Server, SOAP UI, Soap Lite, WSDL, Prime Faces, DB Visualizer, SVN, JIRA, JUnit, Maven

Name : Krishna
Skill : Full Stack Java Developer
Visa: CPT
looking for Remote roles
·        Full Stack Developer around 6+ years of industrial and functional experience in developing enterprise level applications that provide rich user experience with solid understanding of Java J2EESpring, hibernate application framework and web technologies like Angular 2X/4X, React Js, Java script
·        Experience in all phases of Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) which includes Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation and Testing of web based, enterprise business applications using the JAVA/J2EEtechnologies
·        Good knowledge on client-side JavaScript framework Angular 2.x/4.x with NGRX to achieve MVVM design flow
·        Expertise in UI Design and Development using HTML5, CSS3 (SASS, LESS), Bootstrap and AJAX that follows W3C Web standards and successfully managing all facets of application development
·        Experience in deploying and maintaining Micro Services based applications as Rest API using Spring Boot and Spring Cloud
·        Worked on JAVA 8 features like Stream API, Time API, Functional Interfaces Multithreading, Transaction Management, Exception Handling, Collection API
·        Worked with various frameworks in Spring such as Spring IOC, AOP, Spring transaction Management, Spring Data, Spring JDBC, Spring Batch, Spring JTA, Spring IO and Spring Security (Spring security, Site Minder)
·        Have good knowledge on XML language like XSD, JAXB, JAXP, XSL/XSLT
·        Experience in the handling message queues using JMS, Rabbit-MQ, Apache Kafka and Active-MQ
·        Testing for Node JS is done using Mocha and Chai and for spring boot used Mockito, Junit, mock MVC to achieve the goals of Test-Driven Development (TDD)
·        Extensively worked on Web API, WCF and Web Services to provide SOA architecture and Configuration based activation applications on SOAP and REST protocols
·        Experienced in configuring and deploying applications on different servers such as Apache Tomcat, Web logic, IBM WebSphere, JBoss
·        Designed GraphQL to build client applications by providing an intuitive and flexible syntax and system for describing their data requirements and interactions.
·        Building real-time dashboard applications for visualizing, analyzing and exploring data on Apache Web servers using Elastic Search and Splunk
·        Experience in writing services to store and retrieve user data from NoSQL database like MongoDB
·        Expertise to interact with relational databases using ORM frameworks like Hibernate, Spring Data, JPA, IBatis, MyBatis, Java Persistence API (JPA), Hibernate’s second level cache - Ehcache
·        Well experienced in using various AWS (Amazon Web Services) Iaas (Infrastructure as a Service) Components like EC2 for running applications on virtual machines, S3 and Glacier for storing and long term back up of data, EBS for persistent block level storage, Elastic Cache, Dynamo DB, SQS for message queueing, RDS for setting relational database in cloud and Lambda for server less program functions
·        Integration of Docker Containers by using Kubernetes for maintaining high availability of application
·        Involved in CI/CD process using GIT, Jenkins job creation, Maven to build the application. Used CI/CD tools to quickly deploy into different environments and configuring the Kubernetes cluster into for the automating the deploying process
Programming Languages
Java, C, C++, PL/SQL
Enterprise Java
JDBC, Servlets, JSP, JSF, Spring MVC, JPA,  Hibernate
Data Bases / Frameworks
DB2, SQL Server 2008, MYSQL, MongoDB, Cassandra
Web Technologies / Web Services
HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, Angular JS, Node JS, React JS, SOAP, RESTful NestJS,GraphQL
Tools / Version Control
 IntelliJ, Eclipse, VSCode, STS, Web Storm, PyCharm, SOAP UI, Tortoise SVN, Git
Build & Configuration Tools
Ant, Maven, Gradle, Jenkins, Bamboo Gulp, Grunt, Webpack, NPM, Bower
Testing Tools
Junit, TestNG, Mockito, Jasmine, Karma, Mocha, Chai, Spock, Protractor
Cloud Technologies& DevOps Tools
AWS, PCF, EC2, EBS, S3, Docker, ECS, EBS, EKS, SQS, RDS, S3, Lambda, Kubernetes
Operating System
Windows, Linux, Unix, MAC, MS-DOS
Project Management Tools
JIRA, Rally, Microsoft Project
Client: Magellan Health, TX                                                                                       May 2021 – Present
Role: Java Full Stack Developer
·        Involved in all phases of Software Development Lifecycle including Requirements gathering, Design & Analysis of the Customer Specifications.
·        Designed and developed micro services business components using Spring Boot.
·        Used Spring Data Framework to use the features of Spring JPA and Spring ORM to perform the database operations by connecting to Data sources available.
·        Implemented Restful Web services using JAX-RS Implementation.
·        Worked on OpenShift and Azure Kubernetes Services for deploying applications.
·        Worked on Terraform scripts for deploying Cloud resources.
·        Worked on Databricks for running Big Data spark based analytic.
·        Extensively used Hibernate annotations, HQL and native queries in DAO layer to access and update information in the database.
·        Worked in Test Driven Development using Junit.
·        Worked on Junit and Mockito frameworks for writing unit test cases.
·        Worked on Jenkins for continuous deployment and created pipelines scripts for application.
·        Worked on security implementation of Restful services using Oauth2.
·        Used different design patterns while developing code and used log4j for logging.
·        Worked on Sonar cube for running static code analysis.
·        Worked on resolving fortify scan issues.
·        Worked on implementation of Analytics in Map Reduce Cascading and Spark framework.
·        Worked on Hive, HBASE, Pig
·        Created tables, SQL queries, joins, integrity constraints and views for multiple databases.
·        Worked on developing angular components, services and written unit test cases of angular components using jasmine and karma.
·        Wrote data mutations and queries in GraphQL which allows user to update and fetch data from database.
·        Used Graphql which is very easy to add features or make changes to the app with out messing around with server side code.
·        Used NestJS with typescript to build efficient and scalable server-side applications.
·        Used Rally for Issue/bug tracking, monitoring of work assignment in the system.
·        Used Postman, SoapUi for api testing.
·        Extensively worked with Git, Jenkins, Docker, Openshift during the process of development.
·        Created Restful services and consumed endpoints from angular components.
·        Used XLdeploy for running database scripts in developments, test and prod environments.
·        Worked on creating dynamic form in Angular.
·        Used Gradle to automate the builds and managing project.
·        Involved in production deployments.
·        Worked on writing automated scripts using selenium.
·        Used to participate in all agile methodologies like backlog grooming, sprint planning.
Environment: Java 1.8, OpenShift, CSS, JavaScript, JQuery, Jboss, MySql, Hibernate, XML, Spring Boot, SOAP services, Unix/Linux, Docker, Jenkins, Git, groovy, Azure, Selenium, Restful Services, JAX-WS, JAX-RS, WSDL, Gradle, JSP, Log4J2, JUnit, IntelliJ, Selenium layer7, HTML, JQuery, Angular, GraphQl, Nest JS.
Client: Lowe's, VA                                                                                                    April 2019 – March 2021
Role: Full Stack Developer
·        Implemented requirements from agile management ideas by facilitating exercises through sprint planning and team standups
·        Developed Web based application using the ReactJS which supports MVC functionality for a responsive web page
·        Developing Spring Framework-based Applications on Spring MVC and Spring Template and using Spring Boot for Auto Configuration
·        Involved in writing Spring Configuration XML, file that contains declarations and business classes are wired-up to the frontend managed beans using Spring IOC pattern.
·        Maven for compilation and building application to JAR, WAR, EAR files deploying them into Tomcat, Mule Servers
·        Log4J implementation for the user events and Swagger API for the Specification and development of the Rest API
·        Focused on Test Driven Development (TDD) thereby creating detailed JUnit tests for every single piece of functionality before writing the functionality
Intensive testing strategies using SOAP UI Pro version for testing the Web Services
·        Used Docker for Containerization and deploying the application to AWS instance leveraging the CI/CD automated deployment pipelines integrated to Jenkins
·        Integrated Apache Kafka to the application for a message broker for pub-sub mechanism
·        Integrated the Sonar lint (SonarQube) and Jacoco for code quality, Code coverage and to maintain the code standards
·        Followed Agile/XP principles - Test-Driven Development (TDD) thereby creating detailed JUnit tests for every single unit of functionality
·        Used Cassandra DB for the database to load the application data and writing PL/SQL procedures, complex queries to perform various data operations
·        Interacting with the performance team to track the application performance using the Splunk
Environment: Agile Methodology, CSS 3, jQuery, AJAX, JavaScript, JSON, HTML 5, React JS, Spring Boot, Karma, Scrum, Apache Spark, Jasmine, Hibernate Framework, Jenkins, Cosmos Db, Jacoco, Cucumber, Selenium, Apache Kafka.
Carrier, Syracuse, NY                                                                                        April 2017 – March 2019
Role :Java/J2EE Developer
·        Developed servlets and custom tags for JSP pages. Played major role in designing & developing JSP pages and XML reports.
·        Used Spring ORM module to integrate with Hibernate.
·        Used Angular Js, jQuery, Ajax and JSF for dynamic web content.
·        Spring Framework is used for designing core components and services.
·        Used Maven building and management tool.
·        Implemented GET and POST operations using Restful web services.
·        Configured IBM MQ Objects within the WebSphere Application Environment.
·        Extensively used Criteria classes and HQL for accessing Database through Hibernate.
·        Implemented spring framework’s Bean Factory & application Context for bean initialization and configurations.
·        Enhanced application performance by using Angular 6 Component replacing older components.
·        Eh-cache technology is used to minimize the database usage by the application.
·        Designed, developed and deployed the EJB components using Session beans, DAO objects for database access. Used Session façade and Business delegate design patterns.
·        Developed RESTful web services to deliver both XML and JSON content using Jackson Spring
·        Spring AOP Annotations is used to provide logging functionality in the system.
·        OOP features such as polymorphism is used to implement factory design pattern solutions to provide the system the right objects for the product related methods.
·        Vignette content management is used for dynamic changes to website content.
·        Deployed application on Tomcat server.
·        Implemented Test Driven Development (TDD) using JUnit.
·        Used SVN for version control.
Environment: Spring Framework 3.2, Hibernate 4, Oracle 11g, RESTFUL Web services, WebLogic 11g,
Eclipse, JPA, Java Mail, Junit, Maven, Agile, SVN, Angular Js, jQuery, Ajax, JSP, JSF.

Client: VK Technologies, Hyderabad India                                                       June 2016 – March 2017
Role: Java Developer
·        Implemented Agile development practices according to the application requirements
·        Involved in requirements gathering, Problem Analysis, Design, Development, Testing and Maintenance of the System
·        Designed and developed Microservices oriented Architecture and created interactive webpages using HTML5, CSS3 - sass, TypeScript, Twitter Bootstrap
·        Filtering and navigating data are done using Angular4.0Components, Router, Directives, Providers
·        Implemented Server-side rendering for spitting the same HTML content in virtual DOM to server which is a part of Angular 4.0 framework
·        Extensively used Java 8 stream API to work for huge collections
·        Developed functional interfaces, lambda expression of Java 8 to have better performance
·        Implemented Dependency Injection using Spring IOC which makes application loosely coupled and for easier test performance
·        Engaged DAO modules for communication between persistence system or Services
·        Rest Services for Configuring Spring Boot with OpenID connect on top of OAuth 2.0
·        Implemented Microservices for decomposing the application into different services to improve modularity
·        Implemented Java Messaging Service like Apache Kafka for fast and secure sending of the messages
·        Implementation of RESTful web services using Jersey for JAX-RS and tested using Junit along with Mockito
·        Involved Kubernetes for automated deployments, scaling and management of containerized applications across clusters of hosts
·        Interacted with the data warehousing team regarding extracting the data and suggest the standard data format such that Dynatrace will identify most of the fields
·        Developed ORM NoSQL database like MongoDB for storing JSON like documents which vary with the structure and used Mongoose connector ODM framework to connect with REST services
·        Deployment of the application using CI/CD pipeline using the Pivotal resource Concourse only in development phase of the Application
Environment: HTML5, CSS3(sass), TypeScript, Twitter Bootstrap, Angular 4.0, ReactJs, Java8, Spring IOC, DAO, Spring Boot, Apache Kafka, Swagger, Archaius, RESTful, Jersey, Mockito, Kubernetes, Splunk, AWS, MongoDB, Mongoose connector, Oracle 12g., JUnit, Protractor, Concourse, Docker

Kalyan | Sales Recruiter
W 732.352.1597 |
666 Plainsboro Rd, Suite #1116, Plainsboro, New Jersey 08536